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Wellbeing & Active Week 22nd - 29th September 2023


Active and Wellbeing Week was celebrated in Hollypark GNS from 22nd to 29th September 2023. With the emphasis on wellbeing and physical fitness. We had many athletes visiting the school and a wide variety of activities planned throughout the week including yoga, soccer, rugby, Irish Dancing and GAA. Girls wore school tracksuits for the week, completed active homework and were invited to wear their Dublin jerseys for launch day.


Wellbeing & Active Week was launched with a visit from the Dublin players from Foxcab and the Brendan Martin cup. Watch our Active School Committee introducing our Active School Week!

On Mindful Monday….

Ms. Lamont guided the girls through calming Yoga Workshops and Ms. Shannon introduced some fun basketball. A sense of calm descended on HP as lavender wafted through the corridors as the girls made their face masks for Mindful Monday meditation sessions.

On Thankful Tuesday….

Granada Football Club coaches delivered soccer sessions to Junior and Senior infants. Ms. Coll brought a touch of Riverdance to HP when she taught Irish dancing to the 4th class girls. Classes designed Gratitude Mugs.

On Wellbeing Wednesday….

Our girls designed Wellbeing t-shirts today. Maria from Kilmacud Crokes visited 1st Class. Parent Jacqui Hurley undertook a lively Q&A session with the senior girls in the hall. 3rd and 4th classes had super soccer sessions with Garry from the FAI.


On Thinking Thursday….

We are excited to welcome Christina Hamill, Irish hockey player and past pupil, to visit our school and chat to the senior girls.


On Fitness/Fabulous Friend Friday….

We celebrated European Active Schools Day. Eight active stations were set up on the Astro with Mr. Oreo and Foxcab Gaelic football coach Emma Mc Donagh. Stradbrook rugby coaches also visited on Friday to do sessions with 1st and 2nd classes.

Active Walkway:

Throughout the week, classes have been busy using the Active Walkway for active learning. Our new walkway plaques were installed in the yard at the beginning of September 2023. Walkway activities appropriate to class levels were laminated and distributed to teachers. Classes were brought out to use the walkway during active week.

Infants,1st and 2nd classes completed the colour and pattern activities, 3rd and 4th classes completed the addition and multiplication activities,5th and 6th classes completed the flags and time activities.


HP Active Week PE Survey:

As part of this week's Active Homework, pupils and parents completed a PE review survey. The results were collated and suggestions were taken on board.


HP 3K Fun Run:

Our whole school activity for the week was our 3K Fun Run. The 5th and 6th classes had the privilege of completing their run  on the track in UCD on Wednesday 27th. All other classes completed their fun run with their teachers on the Astro. The whole school community was invited to participate in the event and encouraged to complete  family sponsorship cards whilst sending photos, maps and times to Twitter! Thank you to all our families for their continued support of this fundraising endeavour. To date you have raised €13,385.00!


St. Patrick's GNS


Foxrock Avenue

Dublin 18.  



Bernadette Gunning

Deputy Principal

Michaela Marnell

School Secretary

Suzanne O' Toole


01 2893293




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