Gaeilge sa Scoil
Léimís le chéile
Tá na cailíní ar fad ó rang a haon go dtí rang a sé gafa le léitheoireacht le chéile uair sa tseachtain. Léann siad leabhairíní Séadán Sí agus Ár Leabhairíní Féin, leabhairíní a scríobh rang a ceathar an bhliain seo caite sula dtéann na leabhairíní abhaile don tseachtain. Is aoibheann leo a bheith ag léamh le chéile.
All of the girls from 1st to 6th are involved in a paired reading initiative called Léimís le Chéile. The girls from the older classes pair with girls in a younger class once a week to read their Séadán Sí fun readers before they are sent home to be enjoyed with parents. The girls also read Ár Leabhairíní Féin, books written and published by our 4th Classes last year. They really enjoy this time reading together.
Ealaíontóirí Iontacha (CLIL)
Tá an scoil ar fad páirteach i múineadh na hEalaíne trí mheán na Gaeilge. Séard is aidhm le seo ná úsáid an Ghaeilge mar theanga mhean cumarsáide nádúrtha a fhorbairt sa scoil. Déanann na cailíní ar fad an-iarracht a gcuid Gaeilge a úsáid go neamhfhoirmiúil i rith an lae.
Our girls are all involved in Content Language Integrated Learning. This approach involves teaching the content of a subject area through the medium of another language in order to enhance the learning and the use of the second language. Our girls do their best to use as much Irish as possible informally throughout the day and this effort is awarded once a month when they are chosen as our Ealaíntóir Iontach na Míosa.
An Fáinne
Tá cailíní rang a cúig agus rang a sé ag ullmhú do bhronnadh an Fháinne i mí na Samhna.
Tá siad ag obair go dian ar a gcuid scilleanna cómhrá sa scoil. Beidh Fáinne Airgid bronnta orthu ag searmanais sa scoil i Mí na Samhna.
The girls in 5th and 6th Classes are busy preparing to receive the Fáinne. An Fáinne is worn to show that you are able to and are willing to speak Irish. Whether you are a fluent speaker or just starting out as a beginner, you can wear a fáinne- just pick the one that best suits your language ability. The Silver Fáinne is suitable for those who have a basic ability in Irish. We are looking forward to the award ceremony in November.