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Green School Committee

Welcome to our Green School Committee homepage!


This year, we are working towards earning our 9th Green Flag for Global Citizenship - Travel.


Keep up to date on our progress and work being completed in our school!

Green Schools: Walkability Audit

January 2024

The 6th Class members of our Green School Committee conducted a Walkability Audit in the surroundings of Hollypark GNS on Wednesday 17th January.  This involved an audit of footpaths and safety signs in the area.  They also noted areas that could be improved such as the absence of bins and zebra crossings etc.  Alongside the rest of the Committee, they completed their report which they submitted to Green Schools.  Our Travel Officer Jennifer will now write a formal report and present this to Dúnlaoghaire Rathdown County Council.  It is hoped that their observations will help to make the area around our school safer for our pupils.
















The 5th and 6th Class Green School Committee members presented mini-lessons to all girls from 1st to 6th on the topic of CAR IDLING. Car idling happens when a car is stopped but the engine is still running.  A car can produce 150 balloons worth of carbon monoxide which is very toxic for our health.

Green School Big Travel Challenge

February 2023


Hollypark GNS is taking part in the BIG TRAVEL CHALLENGE in the month of February.


This aims to encourage more children to walk to school.  

This year, we are applying for our Global Citizenship Travel Flag, so we are very excited to take part in such an important challenge.

Our Green School Committee Reps have collected data about the children who presently walk, scoot or cycle to school.  

The challenge will last for ten days, from the 13th to the 28th of February, with any and all improvements being noted at the end of the month.



Visit from Green Schools Travel Officer

15th November 2022


On the 15th of November, the Green School Committee were paid a visit by our Green School Officer for our next flag, Allison Phillips.


She is the Dublin Team Leader and Cycling Development and Travel Officer. The girls met with Allison in the hall where she spoke about our new flag, answered all our questions and inspired us with new ideas to continue working on our past themes. The girls spoke about their "Theme Teams" and what areas they are focused on. 


Thank you Allison for visiting our school!


Day of Action
11th March 2022

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On the 11th of March 2022, Hollypark GNS will be going plastic free for the day to promote and spread awareness for our Marine Environment. Keep an eye out for helpful posters and top tips around the school with ways each of us can eliminate or reduce single-use plastics in our daily lives. Each class will be provided with informative lessons, videos and art packs. Keep an eye on this page for all updates and news!


Clean Up Progress

Well done to our 6th Class committee members for focusing on keeping our astro pitch clean and tidy! The girls have kept an eye on the pitch and spend time each week analysing the rubbish found, in order to see what changes we can make to our routines. The girls are working hard with our theme of Global Citizenship: Marine Environment by updating each class about what waste is found and what progress has been made.

Super work girls!


Walk to School Climate Challenge

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A massive well done to all the girls who successfully completed our "Walk to School Superhero Challenge"!


The girls made a super effort to walk to school for 60 days in total in order to earn a spot on our "Hall of Fame".


Congratulations to all classes for taking part!

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DCS For Bees is an industry initiative led by Host in Ireland to help save Ireland's declining bee population. This sub initiative aims to bring an industry together in a way that has never been done before. 


Bees are critically endangered.  They are a key contributor to the pollination of our crops, but sadly, 33% of Irish bees are facing extinction.  They are an indicator for biodiversity in general and once a species is extinct this cannot be reversed and the balance of nature is affected forever. 


We are delighted to be a part of the Raising The Landscape and Host in Ireland Orchard programme and received our Certificate of Participation in recognition of our involvement.




St. Patrick's GNS


Foxrock Avenue

Dublin 18.  





Bernadette Gunning


Deputy Principal

Michaela Marnell


School Secretary

Suzanne O' Toole



01 2893293






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