Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir!
School Calendar
The School Calendar is available here.
Planned School Closures: Term 2
Monday 5th February | St Brigid's Day Public Holiday |
Thursday 15th & Friday 16th February | Midterm Break |
Monday 18th March | St Patrick's Day Public Holiday |
Friday 22nd March | Last Day of Term 2 |
Monday 8th April | School re-opens for Term 3 |
School Communications
Please read the Revised Parental Complaints Procedure which has been drawn up by the INTO in conjunction with CPSMA.
As always if you have any concern regarding your daughter, the Class Teacher is always the first point of contact. If you wish to make an appointment to speak with the Class Teacher, please contact the office at 01 2893293 or, remembering to give your daughter's name and class and a brief indication of your concern/query.
Brief messages re absences, dental appointments etc may be made via your daughter's Homework Journal, the Class Teacher's email or Aladdin depending on the circumstance.
Thank you for scheduling emails to the school between 8:00am and 4:00pm. Staff undertake to respond in a timely manner.
School Swim Team
We are so proud of all our swimmers who will compete individually in the Leinster Schools Minor Gala in the National Aquatics Centre this Sunday 14th January.
We would especially like to wish our relay teams the very best of luck and we would also like to thank parent Gillian Fallon for all her help with the swim team to date.
Go Hollypark!
2nd Class Sacramental Celebrations
First Confession | Saturday 10th February 12:00pm |
First Confession | Saturday 9th March 12:00pm |
First Holy Communion | Saturday 20th April 2:00pm |
First Holy Communion | Sunday 21st April 10:00am |
First Holy Communion | Saturday 27th April 2:00pm |
First Holy Communion | Sunday 28th April 10:00am |
First Holy Communion | Sunday 5th May 10:00am |
(Parents have already registered their children for First Confession and First Holy Communion and will be aware of the dates from the list above applicable to their daughter.)
6th Class Sacramental Celebrations
Ceremony of Light | Wednesday 21st February 7:30pm |
Ceremony of Light | Wednesday 28th February 7:30pm |
Confirmation | Friday 17th May 12:00pm |
Confirmation | Friday 24th May 12:00pm |
(Parents have already registered their children for Confirmation and will be aware of the dates from the list above applicable to their daughter.)
Our girls and their families are very much looking forward to celebrating these very special milestone days.
Catholic Schools Week
As part of Catholic Schools Week, girls in our 5th Classes have been preparing for the Laudate Festival which will take place in the Church of St Therese, Mount Merrion on Wednesday 31st January 7:00pm - 8:15pm. All parents and families are invited and welcome to attend.
5th Classes will attend a rehearsal for this event (during the school day) on Tuesday 16th January in the Church of St Therese, Mount Merrion.
Grandparents Day
We are delighted to be able to welcome our Grandparents back into the school for Grandparents Day in Hollypark for the first time since 2019! We will be in touch shortly with all details for this special day.
Geography Day

(by Rhea Close, 1st Class)
We are looking forward to celebrating Geography Day in Hollypark on Wednesday 14th February. Keep an eye on upcoming newsletters for further updates.
PT Meetings for Infant Classes
PT Meetings for Infant Classes will take place in the week beginning Monday 29th January.
Parents will be able to book their PT Meeting Slot via Aladdin from 5pm on Wednesday 17th January. The Aladdin PT Scheduler will remain open to parents until 6pm on Wednesday 24th January. Meeting slots cannot be booked after this time.
PT Meetings for a number of older classes did not take place in November. These meetings have now been re-scheduled and the relevant classes have been notified of these dates/times.
Our Uniform
Just like any team or club, we show a collective pride in the uniqueness of our school by wearing our school uniform.
We remind our girls to take pride in their uniform and to wear their school tracksuit on PE days only.
For health and safety reasons only one pair of stud earrings may be worn.
Make up, fake tan and nail varnish are not permitted.
St Vincent de Paul
Thanks to our families' generosity, €3504 was raised for our local St Vincent de Paul. This money will be used in our local community - and will make a difference. Thank You!
Respect for Our Neighbours
As a Green School we actively encourage our girls to walk, cycle and scoot to school. As 80% of our pupils live within 2km of the school, this is very doable for many.
Walking, cycling and scooting not only provide a wonderful opportunity for chats with friends, improving our physical and mental health and caring for our environment, but these methods also help to reduce traffic, making the area around our school a safer place not just for our pupils but for all our neighbours. Unfortunately, but quite justifiably, our neighbours frequently complain of inconsiderate parking on the roads close to our school.
Please use the Church car park if it’s on your route to school: parking at the Church is free to all families at drop off and collection times.
Calling all artists!
We are inviting our girls to take part in the 70th Annual Texaco Art Competition.
A ‘Home Application Form’ will go home in the girls’ schoolbags this week.
If your daughter would like to submit an entry to the Texaco Art Competition, please attach a completed ‘Home Application Form’ to her artwork.
Completed entries can be posted to:
Texaco Children’s Art Competition,
PO BOX 100
Dublin 4
(Please note that entries completed at home are to be submitted to the Texaco Art Competition by the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s) and are not to be returned to school.)
One of the most interesting things about art is its diversity. That's why entries to the competition can be about anything that interests you.
Your entry should not be smaller than A4 (29.7cm x 21.0cm) or larger than A2 (59.4cm x 42.0cm) before it is mounted, which is optional.
Please submit your artwork in flat format only, it should not be rolled, folded or framed.
The closing date for the competition is 28th February 2024.
All details about preparing your entry can be found on the Texaco Children’s Art website:

Birthdays this Week in Hollypark
Sadhbh Kennedy
Grace Grant
Elize O'Connor
Katie Arnott
Mila Cafolla
Gauri Menon
Sienna Tijs
Róisín Whelehan
Ava May Desmond