Wishing all our girls, their families and the wider Hollypark community a very Happy Easter. We look forward to seeing our girls return to school rested, refreshed and ready for a new term on Monday 8th April.
Frásaí na Seachtaine
See below to listen to the girls from Ms. O’Connor's 6th class
showing us how to pronounce our Frásaí na Seachtaine!
"Beidh saoire na Cásca an tseachtain seo chugainn"
School Calendar 2023-24
The School Calendar is available here.
Planned School Closures: Term 2 & 3
Friday 22nd March | Last Day of Term 2 |
Monday 8th April | School re-opens for Term 3 |
Monday 6th May - Friday 10th May | May Holiday |
Thursday 30th May | Primary Maths Staff Inservice |
Monday 3rd June & Tuesday 4th June | June Bank Holiday |
Friday 28th June | Final Day of school term |
We will operate a staggered finish on Friday 22nd March:
Finishing Time: Friday 22nd March | |
Junior & Senior Infants & older siblings | 11:30am |
1st & 2nd Class & older siblings | 11:45am |
3rd - 6th Class | 12:00pm |
Friday 22nd March will be a non-uniform day.
Lots of Socks Day in Hollypark
We will be celebrating World Down Syndrome Day in Hollypark on Thursday 21st March with a special Lots of Socks Day.
All funds raised through our bucket collection will be donated to Down Syndrome Centre and the Together Academy. A Sum-Up machine will be available for card payments.

Hollypark PA Easter Fundraiser
€4660.00 has already been raised! Thank you!
Help raise funds for our school to:
Continue the refurbishment of your daughters' classrooms
To replace obsolete classroom whiteboards with Smart Boards
To upgrade wifi to enable increased digital learning
Results of Easter Art Competition
And the winners are........
Junior Infants: Holly Maher, Emer McGing, Chloe Rogan
Senior Infants: Sophia Rooney, Aoife Deasy, Hailey Murray
1st Class: Ali O'Neill Hyland, Clara Hofler, Rachel Brennan
2nd Class: Viola Aurilia, Aoife Nolan, Anna Solenova
3rd Class: Tess O'Donnell, Yeva Gudz
4th Class: Amaya Naidoo, Helena Murphy, Emily Reynolds
5th Class: Alannah Molloy, Darcey Lavin, Lingxi Sun
6th Class: Lucy Reynolds, Emma Drury Byrne
The entries to the art competition were of an incredibly high standard. Well done to all!
Voluntary Contribution
In tandem with this PA fundraiser, we are very grateful to the 257 families (that is 61% of all families in the school) who have already given a Voluntary Contribution during this school year. Voluntary Contributions can be made via Aladdin at any time throughout the year. Each and every contribution is very much appreciated and will be used to enhance your daughter's learning environment.
Pre-Loved Uniform Collection & Sale
Our PA will be holding a Pre-Loved Uniform Sale in the tunnel on Friday 22nd March at morning drop-off. Many thanks to our PA for organising this very useful and sustainable event.
Hollypark PA
Have you thought about taking a more active role in our Hollypark PA?
The Role of Hollypark PA
The Education Act, 1998 clearly outlines the role of the parent association in primary schools:
The Parent Association works in collaboration with the principal, staff and the board of management to build effective, positive partnership of home and school. Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children achieve higher levels when parents and teachers work together.
The Parent Association is not a forum for complaint against either an individual teacher or parent. The Parental Complaints Procedure is the mechanism for this. (ref: School Communications Policy Appendix A)
In Hollypark GNS our PA
Represents parents at school events
Invites speakers to address the parents on issues which are topical or relevant.
Organises school fundraising: cake sales, fairs, sponsored walks, Christmas cards, calendars etc
Hosts a Junior Infant Welcome Morning at the beginning of the school year
Hosts the Communion Reception in May
Organises pre-loved uniform sales throughout the year
Collates and produces the 6th Class Graduation Year Book
Hollypark PA Communications System
PA Committee meets every month
PA Chair meets regularly with School Senior Management
PA communicates with general parent body via email, the school website and PA Class Whatsapp (ref: School Communications Policy Appendix B)
If you are interested in taking on a more active role in our PA, please contact hollyparkpa@gmail.com and see how you can help out at the various fundraisers and community events organised by our PA for our school.
Féile na dTeangacha
Bhí Féile na dTeangacha ar siúl an tseachtain seo caite i Hollypark. We celebrated Féile na dTeangacha in Hollypark from An Luan 4ú - An Aoine 15ú Márta. Bhí go leoir imeachtaí ar siúl sa scoil. Féile na dTeangacha celebrates all of the languages being used in our school and encompassed Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Bhí cluichí ar an astro leis na buchaillí i rang a 5 agus a 6; bhí céilí leis na buachailli i rang a 3 agus i rang a 4; bhí Raidió Fhéile na dTeangacha ó Rang a 5 agus a 6 gach maidin; bhí Seó Faisin ar súil sa scoil ar an Déardaoin; bhí paráid ar an astro ar ár Lá Ghlas!

Our A and B hockey teams played their semi-final matches of the Leinster League last Thursday against St. Andrews, Booterstown. Hard luck to our B team, who, despite a valiant effort, unfortunately fell short in their quest for victory. They played with heart, determination and skill, showcasing the true spirit of the game. Although the outcome wasn't in their favour, we have to celebrate their hard work and commitment throughout the season. Well done girls!

Our A team won their match 3-0 which meant they progressed into the Leinster Schools Final against Glenageary Killiney NS yesterday. Our co-captains, Rachel Cowman and Rachel How, have written an account of how they got on below.
On Tuesday the 19th March, the Hollypark hockey A team played in the Leinster League Final against Glenageary Killiney NS. As we were leaving the school, all the classes gathered in the yard for a guard of honour to wish us good luck. We travelled on a team bus with Ms. Henry, Ms. Shannon and Ms. Marnell to Three Rock Rovers HC and got ready to play our game.
The 5th and 6th class girls in our school came down to support and cheer us on. The support and atmosphere was incredible and many girls had chants prepared and posters made!
Soon after the match began, G.K.N.S scored their first goal, but we came back strong to even the score. When the half time whistle blew, we went over to our coaches for some helpful tips and a fierce pep-talk. We went back on the pitch feeling motivated and soon after we scored our next goal! The crowd erupted into cheer, and we felt much more confident. Halfway through the second half, we managed to score another goal making the score 3-1 to Hollypark!
With the final minutes of the game coming up, G.K.N.S scored their second goal, putting us under immense pressure. After a stressful last few minutes, the full time whistle finally blew! The Hollypark supporters, our coaches and our team erupted into cheers! When the medal presentation began, the captains of each team said a quick speech and the medals were given out. Then the moment finally came, and our team lifted the cup! It was an amazing and unforgettable experience and we had so much fun!
By the team A team captains, Rachel Cowman & Rachel How
On Friday, 15th of March, our 5th class hockey players played in a blitz against local rivals St. Brigids GNS in Sion Hill. The girls were divided into 4 teams and played a total of 3 matches each. It was a very enjoyable afternoon, the girls had great fun and it was great to see them working together as a team players and practising all the skills that they have learned during this years hockey season. We look forward to meeting St. Brigids GNS again in September.
Swim Team
Hi! We are Camille, Ava and Dara from the Hollypark Swim Team. We are so excited for the Irish School’s Gala this Sunday 24th March in the National Aquatic Centre in Blanchardstown. We love doing these galas and being a part of our school swim team. We really enjoy representing our school with all of the other amazing swimmers on our team.
by Camille de Rís, Ava Conlan & Dara Brady
Our tennis team will have their second match of the Leinster Primary School League this Thursday, March 21st. The team will play against Belgrove GNS out in Clontarf Tennis Club. Best of luck to all the girls -
Robyn Kennedy, Emma Drury Byrne, Charlotte Hyland, Annabel McNamara, Lucy Cunningham & Sarah Heeney.
We have made this year’s Hollypark GNS Camogie Team, which will be going into the league shortly after Easter. The girls from 5th and 6th Class that were picked for the team will be training on Fridays each week.
All the girls who were not selected can still train with the girls hoping and trying their best to have a chance to be selected for the team.
We would like to thank Niamh Comerford and Róisín Ní Chathasaigh, who are on the Dublin Panel, for all their teaching and for supporting the girls along the way.
Nothing would be possible without all the teachers who have helped to make our team.
Hopes and wishes for all the girls that will be starting the matches and league after Easter. We hope that everyone who can, will support the girls in their matches.
by Alice Earle & Darcey Lavin.
Fore! We are delighted to announce that 14 girls from 6th class will be taking part in golf lessons throughout the summer term. The lessons will take place in Carrickmines Golf Club and the girls will be introduced to beginner golf skills with professional golfer, Michael Allen.
More News!
Well done to this student in 5th class at her recent competition.
We were very lucky this morning to have a surprise visit from Ms. O Shea and her chickens and ducks. Our classes were invited out to meet the ducks Gertrude Mary, Jake the Drake and Doilean and Rosie, Annabel and Lilly the chickens. Our Junior Infants and Senior Infants were amazed to find chocolate eggs under the hatch for them. Thank you Ms. O'Shea!
Tea with the Principal!
Our 6th Class SESE and Language Teams were invited to tea with Ms. Gunning today to talk about how they got on for Geography Day and for our recent Féile na dTeangacha.

Language Team

Respect for Our Neighbours
Parents are reminded that for the health and safety of our girls, there is no vehicular access to the school for drop-off in the mornings.
As a Green School, with a very active Coiste Glas, we actively encourage our girls to walk, cycle and scoot to school. As 80% of our pupils live within 2km of the school, this is very doable for many.
Unfortunately, but quite justifiably, our neighbours frequently complain of inconsiderate parking on the roads close to our school.
Please use the Church car park if it’s on your route to school: parking at the Church is free to all families at drop off and collection times.
Birthdays this week and over Easter in Hollypark!
Emma O'Brien
Sophia Adendorff
Eleanor Gilmore
Luna Bennett
Holly Flattery
Alice Casey
Rose Kearney
Erin Mulligan
Lucia Shields
Skyler Dempsey Walsh
Mary-Anne O'Shea
Ailíse O'Reilly
Emma Nallen
Sarah Murphy
Bonnie Harte
Clara Hofler
Annabel Ashley
Ciara Flanagan
Ionela Midoni
Kusumita Halder
Charli Burke O'Toole
Timea Baranek