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Newsletter: 26th June 2024

It is hard to believe that this is the final newsletter for this school year! Where has 2023/24 gone?

It has been a busy year for our girls - you only have to glance back over the newsletters to get a flavour of all that is happening in our bustling school.

At our final school assembly for 3rds to 5ths this morning our Student Council gave a lovely presentation outlining all the girls' achievements and activities over the last year. Thank you to our Student Council - you have shown wonderful leadership throughout this year.

The girls were reminded to have a great summer; to get outside - away from screens! - and enjoy the sun, the wind and the rain and to have fun with their friends ('in real life'). They were also asked to give their parents a hand at home with household chores. And finally they were reminded to stay safe especially near water.

Thank you to our girls for being the best that they can be every day. Have a wonderful holiday - you deserve it. Thank you to our parents for your support throughout the year and a special thank you to our hard working PA.

Thank you to our BOM, under the chairpersonship of Mr Arthur Hutchinson, who ensure good governance and guide the continued development of our school.

And thank you to our staff - each and every one of whom gives 100% every day. It simply wouldn't happen without you.


School Calendar 2024-25

Please click here to view School Calendar for 2024-25.

Last day of school term: Friday 28th June

We will operate a staggered finish on Friday 28th June - please see below:

Junior & Senior Infants & older siblings


1st & 2nd Class & older siblings


3rd - 6th Classes


Friday 28th June will be a non-uniform day.

First day of new school year: Thursday 29th August.


6th Class Graduation

Our 6th Classes graduated yesterday, 25th June. A milestone day for the girls and their families and we were, as ever, privileged to share in the celebrations ..... and tears!

They have been a terrific year group and will be big shoes to fill for our current 5th Classes - although I have every faith in Ms Flanagan's, Ms Henry's & Ms Fennell's girls to take on their leadership role as the most senior girls in the school.

We wish our 6th Class Graduates the very best in the next exciting chapter of their lives and have no doubt they will continue to thrive!


New Junior Infants

We look forward to welcoming our brand new Junior Infants to Hollypark on Thursday 29th August. Junior Infants have a slightly later start on their first day - 9:30am - as per calendar (included in original Welcome Pack ) below:

Our PA have kindly organised a Welcome Coffee Morning for our new parents. So please join us as soon as your girls have been brought into class.


Admissions for September 2025

All information regarding Admissions for September 2025 will be available on our website in early September 2024.


Thank You!

Thank you to the 310 families (that is 74% of our families!) who have already given a Voluntary Contribution to the school during this school year. Voluntary Contributions can be made via Aladdin at any time throughout the year. Each and every contribution is very much appreciated and will be used to enhance your daughter's learning environment.



Hollypark PA

Thank you to our PA who organised a wonderful Midsummer Cake Sale and Raffle on Friday 21st June. The girls were thrilled and much fun was had by all. This fun endeavour raised over €5700.00 for our school. Thank you!

We are very grateful to our sponsors (listed below) who donated so generously to our raffle.


Pre-Loved Uniforms

Thank you to our PA for their ongoing Pre-Loved Uniform Sales.

Thanks you to our 6th Class graduates who have already started to donate their tracksuits and uniforms.

Uniforms and tracksuits can be donated at drop off tomorrow Thursday 27th June 8:15am - 8:45am.

(Friday 28th June will be a non-uniform day.)

The PA will hold a pre-loved uniform sale on Wednesday 28th August – time tbc.



Hollypark PA 2024 - 2025

Thank you to Andrew Rhatigan who is stepping down from his two-year role as PA Chairperson this year. We sincerely appreciate all that is done by our hard-working PA. We are very fortunate to have such supportive parental involvement in our school.

As we look to the new school year, have you thought about taking a more active role in our Hollypark PA? If you are interested, this year's PA AGM will take place on Monday 2nd September @ 7pm. At this meeting, parents can volunteer to become Class Reps and the PA Committee will be formed. The PA Committee will then meet to elect their officers - a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.



Booklists for 2024/25 have been issued to all classes.

Thank you to all families who have already returned current school books to the school. If you haven't already done so, please return all school books by tomorrow to avoid additional costs to the school.

Parents/Guardians are asked to ensure that books are returned in good condition for re-use in the following year. (Pencil markings rubbed out, etc.)

You can view next year's booklists here.


After School Activities 2024/25

Additional After School Activities have been added to next year's timetable.

Please click the link below to view our After School Activities timetable.

Please note Irish Dancing classes will not be restarting until January 2025 as Orlagh is currently on Maternity Leave.


School Choir


3rd Class Trip to Deansgrange Library to meet author Alan Nolan

On Thursday 20th June, 3rd Classes had an exciting trip to Deansgrange Library to meet the renowned Irish children's author, Alan Nolan. Known for his engaging and imaginative storytelling, Alan Nolan has penned several popular books, including "Sam Hannigan's Woof Week," "Fintan's Fifteen," and "The Big Break Detectives Casebook."

During the visit, Alan Nolan read an excerpt from one of his thrilling books, "The Sackville Street Capers" which follows the adventurous escapades of Molly Malone's gang. The students were captivated by the lively and spooky tale, which sparked their curiosity and excitement.

Alan also took the time to answer numerous excellent questions from the girls, providing insights into his writing process and the inspiration behind his stories. Additionally, he conducted a fun drawing session where he demonstrated how to draw the yeti from his bestselling book, "The Curious Case of the Irish Yeti."

Alan’s entertaining and energetic presence left a lasting impression on our girls. They left the library both inspired and enthused, with many eager to read more of his books and try their hand at creative writing and drawing. The visit was a memorable and enriching experience for all.


Health & Safety

A gentle reminder that for health and safety reasons all children (including pre-schoolers and other siblings) and adults must dismount bikes and scooters upon entry to the school. This applies at drop off and collection times and throughout the school day.

We also remind parents/guardians that for health and safety reasons, no dogs (with the exception of guide and assistance dogs) are allowed on the school premises.


Respect for Our Neighbours

Parents are reminded that for the health and safety of our girls, there is no vehicular access to the school for drop-off in the mornings.

As a Green School, with a very active Coiste Glas, we actively encourage our girls to walk, cycle and scoot to school. As 80% of our pupils live within 2km of the school, this is very doable for many.

Unfortunately, but quite justifiably, our neighbours frequently complain of inconsiderate parking on the roads close to our school.


Please use the Church car park if it’s on your route to school: parking at the Church is free to all families at drop off and collection times.


Happy Summer!

We look forward to welcoming our girls back - refreshed and ready for another great year on Thursday 29th August.


Birthdays this Week in Hollypark!

Amelia Gibbs

Rosie Blake

Layla Hess Deehan

Paige Cooney

Amy Shelley

Jessica O’Hanlon

Zoe Wickham

Ella O’Reilly

Anabel Bailie

Lauren Bartley-Tonge

Elena Holland

July Birthdays in Hollypark!

Jessica O’Hanlon

Zoe Wickham

Ella O’Reilly

Anabel Bailie

Lauren Bartley-Tonge

Elena Holland

Lauren Doherty

Hayley Sewe

Annabel Corboy

Ariene Sereda

Ella Montgomery

Kate O’Halloran

Sophia Rogers

Caitlin Collins

Marnie Woods

Chloe MacGuinness

Brianne Conlon

Éabha Hanly

Eve Cooney

Mary Coyle

Robyn O’Leary

Sophia Kelly

Amalie Holland

Amaya Naidoo

Leisha Rathore

Lily McMahon

Sadhbh O’Rorke

Hannah Browne

Ava Gallagher

Mishika Gupta

Haniyah Ghariani

Grace Carty

Zoe Broderick

Alexa Power

Juliette Walkin

Catarina Mora Martins

Lily McCormack

Eva Abdullova

Adeline Meagher

Erica Donnelly

Aoife Plunkett

Hannah Carty

Eva Price

Cara Walsh

Katie Kennedy

Rachel Brennan

Cayla McGrane

Lauren McGrath

Siún Heraghty

Holly Dillon

Elsie Wyse

Éabha Whelehan

Lucy Redmond

Erin Duatepe

Olivia O’Sullivan

Isla Isabelle Maher

Celia Byrne

Olivia Mulholland

Fiadh Daly

Aoibhinn Fallon

Rachel McGonnell

August Birthdays in Hollypark!

Katie Kilcommons

Saoirse McDermott

Rachel Anne Irwin

Olivia Buckley

Camille de Rís

Nicole Merrigan

Emma Drury Byrne

Ailbhe Powell

Laura Leonard

Anna Murphy

Connie Wickham

Lucy Tierney

Agneta Jojo

Méabh Byrne

Darcey Lavin

Emily Jane Zande

Doireann Igoe

Emelie Mathews

Grace Walsh

Elodie Walsh

Clara Kirrane

Isabel Leavy

Yevanhelina Skomorokha

Beth O’Donohue

Zoe Close

Lara Mary Gallagher

Keira McDonagh

Sadhbh Sweeney

Anneliese Nolan

Cameron Barron

Anna Solenova

Molly Cunningham

Aoibhinn O’Herlihy

Dearbhla Ní Tháilliúir




St. Patrick's GNS


Foxrock Avenue

Dublin 18.  



Bernadette Gunning

Deputy Principal

Michaela Marnell

School Secretary

Suzanne O' Toole


01 2893293




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