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Nuachtlitir: 6ú Márta 2024

Frásaí na Seachtaine

"Tá Aonach na Leabhar ar siúl sa halla! "

See below to listen to the girls from Ms. McGovern's 2nd Class

showing us how to pronounce our Frásaí na Seachtaine!


School Calendar 2023-24

The School Calendar is available here.

Planned School Closures: Term 2 & 3

Monday 18th March

St Patrick's Day Public Holiday

Friday 22nd March

Last Day of Term 2

Monday 8th April

School re-opens for Term 3

Monday 6th May - Friday 10th May

May Holiday

Thursday 30th May

Primary Maths Staff Inservice

Monday 3rd June & Tuesday 4th June

June Bank Holiday

Friday 28th June

Final Day of school term

Please note Hollypark GNS is NOT a Polling Station

and therefore we will be open on Friday 8th March.


Hollypark PA Easter Fundraiser

Help raise funds for our school to:

  • Continue the refurbishment of your daughters' classrooms

  • To replace obsolete classroom whiteboards with Smart Boards

  • To upgrade wifi to enable increased digital learning

Voluntary Contribution

In tandem with this PA fundraiser, we are very grateful to the 245 families (that is 59% of all families in the school) who have already given a Voluntary Contribution during this school year. Voluntary Contributions can be made via Aladdin at any time throughout the year. Each and every contribution is very much appreciated and will be used to enhance your daughter's learning environment.

Pre-Loved Uniform Collection & Sale

Our PA will be holding a Pre-Loved Uniform Sale in the tunnel on Friday 22nd March at morning drop-off.  Many thanks to our PA for organising this very useful and sustainable event.


First Confession

We wish our girls who are making their First Confession this Saturday 9th March, the very best on this very special day.

All of our 2nd Class girls and their families are invited to Mass at 10am on Sunday 10th March, followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre.


Féile na dTeangacha

Féile na dTeangacha ar siúl an tseachtain seo i Hollypark. We are celebrating Féile na dTeangacha in Hollypark from Monday 4th - Friday 15th March. Beidh go leoir imeachtaí ar siúl sa scoil. Féile na dTeangacha celebrates all of the languages being used in our school and will encompass Seachtain na Gaeilge next week.

Aonach na Leabhar sa halla gach lá an tseachtain seo agus tá an-spraoi ag na cailíní ag roghnú leabhair le léamh! Buíochas leis na tuismitheoirí ar fad as a dtacaíocht don ócáid seo.

Beidh Céilí ag rang a Trí ar an Déardaoin i Scoil na mBuachaillí! Bhí an-spraoi acu ag foghlaim Baillí Luimní don ócáid seo. Beidh Rang a Ceathar ag dul go Scoil na mBuachaillí an tseachtain seo chugainn chun Céilí a bheith acu leis na leaids. Beidh níos mó nuachta faoi Féile na dTeangacha an tseachtain seo chugainn!


School Choir

Well done to our School Choir who, last night, performed at Córfheile na Scoileanna in the National Basketball Arena. Chanadar trí amhráin, Songs of Ireland, Adiemus agus Thar an Tuar Ceatha (Over the Rainbow - as Gaeilge). Bhíodar go h-álainn agus táimid iontach bródúil astú.

Please see below adjudication. We are very proud of our girls and look forward to our next performance!


An Coiste Glas

As you are aware our school is applying for our 9th Green Flag this year. This flag focuses on the theme of Travel in the context of Global Citizenship. Bhuail an Coiste Glas le Jennifer ó An Taisce an tseachtain seo chaite. Bhí crinniú fada acu léi agus d'inis siad di faoin obair ar fad a dhéanaimid sa scoil ar son na timpeallachta. We hope to have our application completed on the 15th of March and it will then be assessed by An Taisce and Green Schools. Le cúnamh Dé beidh deá-nuacht faoin mBrat Glas go luath!!



More News!

Well done to the girls below in their recent competitions!

Na snámhaí iontacha as rang a trí!

Well done to our student in 5th class who won 1st place in the Open Piano Competition for Under 18s at the Arklow Music Festival yesterday (5th March)


6th Class Trip to The Ark

On Wednesday 28th February the two 6th classes went to The Ark theatre in Temple Bar to watch the play ‘The Making of Mollie’. ‘The Making of Mollie’ is an adaptation of the novel written by Anna Carey. It tells the story of a 14-year-old Dublin girl who wants to support the suffragette movement in 1912.


On Wednesday morning we walked to the bus stop opposite Foxrock Church and took the bus into town. When we got off the bus, we walked to the Ark in Temple Bar. We had a small snack when we arrived, and then we were seated in the theatre.


We really enjoyed the play and visiting the theatre. The Ark is quite a small theatre, so we really felt like we were ‘a part’ of the play ourselves! Even though there were only five actors, they played many parts through their clever use of props and masks. We learnt all about the suffragette movement and what it was like to live in Dublin in 1912 in a very entertaining way.


‘The Making of Mollie’ is running in the Ark Theatre until 16th March and is recommended for children who are 8+. We highly recommend you go see this play if you have the chance to!



Respect for Our Neighbours

Parents are reminded that for the health and safety of our girls, there is no vehicular access to the school for drop-off in the mornings.

As a Green School we actively encourage our girls to walk, cycle and scoot to school. As 80% of our pupils live within 2km of the school, this is very doable for many.

Unfortunately, but quite justifiably, our neighbours frequently complain of inconsiderate parking on the roads close to our school.


Please use the Church car park if it’s on your route to school: parking at the Church is free to all families at drop off and collection times.


Birthdays this Week in Hollypark!

Ellen Flanagan

Olivia Leonard

Blanca Lundy

Emily Bowler

Aislinn Lehmann

Alina Nikolaieva

Sophie Byrne

Penny Fay

Alice Keenan

Ameny Ammouchi

Giuditta Maciga

Genevieve Colgan




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